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 Permanent Hair Removal

Are you tired of shaving, waxing or plucking unwanted hair? With electrolysis permanent hair removal, you'll never have to remove unwanted hair again!

Advanced Electrolysis has more than 25 years of experience specializing in permanent hair removal. We are highly qualified and licensed electrologists that provide each of our clients with the safest and best care available. We provide you with complete answers to all of your questions; while maintaining privacy, safety, professionalism, and cost-effectiveness. We have proudly served the greater Naples area for over 25 years. 

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About Us!

" I feel so much better about myself now that I don't have to worry that someone might notice unwanted hair on my chin"

"I'm so pleased with the results of my electrolysis. Each session makes life easier and happier"

"Felling confident again! Advanced Electrolysis is wonderful"

Great experience, start to finish. So happy I found them"

"Being new to electrolysis, I appreciated how she answered all of my questions in a caring and gentle way"


Electrolysis or Laser- Which is best for me?

We receive a lot of questions about which method is right for me?
Quite simply, Electrolysis works on ANY color hair, and ANY color skin. So if you have blond or gray hair, tanned or darker skin, Electrolysis is your only answer.
If you have very light skin and dark hair, and it’s in a larger area (legs, Brazilian, etc.) you may be a candidate for laser.
The F.D.A. approves Electrolysis as the ONLY form of permanent hair removal.
Laser hair removal will only reduce the amount of hair, it cannot permanently remove everything.
Electrolysis has been in existence for 150 years. And there’s good reason. It is safe, effective and permanent on every body.


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Call, text or email us today to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY consultation or appointment.


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